
Help me!
He shrieks from the other end of the telephone line
Slogans of hatred make their way out of his sore throat
Heavy sobs heave out of his body and force themselves into my mind

I’m not an abomination!
He whispers from the other end of the telephone line
A monotonous stream of promises flows through his vocal cavity
Muffled screams reverberate from his heart to mine

I don’t need therapy!
He explains from the other end of the telephone line
A brittle voice slowly croaks out a decent explanation
A meandering stream of uncertainty grips his soul as it does mine

God loves me!
He exclaims from the other end of the telephone line
A disembodied voice tries to remember Him in the time of blatant negativity
His faith slowly seeps away as he is reminded of the contrary again and again

Am I not normal?
He asks me from the other end of the telephone line
A hoarse voice lets out a defeated sigh as his identity shatters
His strangulated words reach my integrity and I fall down to my knees

Will they never accept me?
He grills me from the other end of the telephone line
His voice fails to hide a slight quiver and he crashes down like a domino
A wheezy tone rushes out of his chest and my heart stops beating

Will I always be an outsider?

Will I ever be truly free?

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Poignant, beautiful, and imperative. Kudos to you for voicing millenial concerns so magnificently.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Adt Patel says:

      You’re unreal, Anukriti ;_; thank you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

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